The Leprosy Village
February 27, 2019
Many of the children of leprosy parents do NOT have leprosy themselves. They suffer from rejection and poverty because of leprosy, however. The children are ignored and snubbed at school. Teachers and other children isolate them for fear of the disease. Unfortunately, as children of leprosy parents grow older, they turn to alcohol and drugs as channels to medicate their hopelessness.
We need your help to address the problems these children face. Your donation will help by:
- providing outreach events and programs to engage the youth regularly in fun activities as a way of decreasing their feelings of being outcasts–$2,400 a year or $200 each month.
- starting an income-producing project to make reasonably-priced purses from which they will receive most of the net profit–initial startup cost is $3,000
- expanding our children’s tutoring program which substitutes for the instruction they rarely receive during the day at their public school– $3,600 a year or $300 each month
Important to notice:
If you choose to make this donation monthly,
- it will be an ongoing monthly donation
- please choose the credit card – recurring donation
- please contact the admin to cancel this ongoing donation any time
- when your card expires you have to resubmit the donation again with the new card