Blessed & Giving (BAG) Ministry

The combination of the pandemic and military coup in Myanmar has created an economic crisis resulting in millions of lost jobs and the inability to afford basic food supplies. The United Nations has indicated that 17.6 million (5.8 million are children) of Myanmar’s 54 million people have been driven into poverty. Within our ministry areas there are people pawning their clothes and other valuables in order to survive. Over two million people have been displaced from their homes due to junta hostilities and are living in makeshift camps or in caves and jungles. Another 90,000 have fled to Thailand.

We must have an unlimited certainty that God answers prayers. We must believe that once God presents us with a need, it is an absolute certainty, not an impossibility, it is achievable. We have developed the “Blessed And Giving” or BAG food distribution program to help meet the food supplies needs of the over 1,000 families within our ministry’s reach. We can provide a BAG of basic food supplies for a typically-sized Myanmar family for one month for $42.

Satan will try to convince you that pursuit of achieving this need requires too high a sacrifice. Perhaps an adjustment to your life may indeed need to be made; however, what a deep satisfaction you will realize when you align your effort with God’s will. You may not know until heaven all who received a blessing because of your thoughtful generosity. “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9)