Our Goal

Below is the progress of our charity campaign to support our projects.

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Children’s Homes Ministry

Each children’s home receives the set of services described below. Love for Myanmar does not offer sponsorships for individual children. We believe such an approach can lead to children becoming jealous. Some children may receive more letters, cards, photos, and funds.

Current laws in Myanmar do not allow adoption of a Burmese child. We think it is insensitive both for a sponsor and a child to develop a connection that cannot result in adoption This creates false expectations. If a donor stops their support of a child, the child may not understand why and blame themselves.

We share donations to the children’s homes, as a result, for all the children and based on the broader needs of the entire community of children’s homes. Your donations can have a greater impact when combined with the donations of others rather than splintered helping only specific children.

It currently cost $18 a child each month to provide the following set of services:

  • Malnutrition is unfortunately common among Myanmar children – leading to impaired intelligence and poor educational performance. We provide daily meals regularly supplemented with meat as well as vitamin supplements.
  • Suitable clothing is always a need regardless of a child’s age and contributes to a positive self-image as well as a sense of uplifting dignity.
  • Shelter, even as sparse as our children’s homes, provides not just a place protecting children from the heat, cold, and rain, but, ensures a degree of security from the threats of harassment, trafficking, and violence. The homes are built mostly from bamboo with some wood and plastic, needing periodic replacement and repair.
  • Poverty increases the chances of poor health–exposure to infection and diseases such as tuberculosis as well as higher risks of diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and heart attacks. Visits to a medical clinic are usually beyond their financial means, and hospitals typically ask for advance payments which few can afford. We consistently watch the health of the children and cover their medical-related expenses which range from vaccinations to surgeries.
  • Myanmar’s public education system is weak. To supplement poor instruction, we tutor the children as an investment to improve their chances of becoming self-supporting citizens.

Please remember the $18 a child each month quote is only to give you a reference point in your giving. LFM shares all donations to the children’s homes among all the children.

Important to notice:
If you choose to make this donation monthly,

  • it will be an ongoing monthly donation
  • please choose the credit card – recurring donation
  • please contact the admin to cancel this ongoing donation any time
  • when your card expires you have to resubmit the donation again with the new card


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If you’d like to make this an automatic monthly donation, please select the "Make this donation monthly" option above. Otherwise, it will be processed as a one-time donation.

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Donation Total: $5.00 One Time