Our Goal

Below is the progress of our charity campaign to support our projects.

My Donations

For those that have previously donated online, you can view the donations you have made by putting in your email in the field, Email Address below.

Please verify your email to access your donation history.

General Fund

Donors may designate or restrict the use of their contribution to a particular purpose or project. However, unrestricted funds or donations may be used for any purpose or priority within our organization. Donating to our “General Fund” allows us to apply your funds to those ministry areas we determine are a priority at that time.

Important to notice:
If you choose to make this donation monthly,

  • it will be an ongoing monthly donation
  • please choose the credit card – recurring donation
  • please contact the admin to cancel this ongoing donation any time
  • when your card expires you have to resubmit the donation again with the new card


Donation form

Dedicate this Donation

Honoree Details

Select Payment Method
Personal Info

We will send you an email here thanking you for your donation.

Credit Card Info
This is a secure SSL encrypted payment.

Donation Total: $5.00 One Time