Our Goal

Below is the progress of our charity campaign to support our projects.

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House Church Discipleship Ministry

We are not about church planting. It is not about buildings. We are about discipleship training through a network of house churches–gathering with a purpose to know and grow in Christ.

Because house churches are simple i.e. less formal, less bureaucracy, less power plays, they are stripped of the usual trappings of large buildings and congregations and can more readily reach people with the Gospel through relationships.

As these house churches grow, they split and multiply energizing more people for the Lord. It is this excitement from the new converts that attracts and motivates others to want to learn more about Jesus.

In order to ensure the leaders of our house churches maintain a reverent and joyful focus on Jesus, we are investing in discipleship training. It is our position that the attitude of their hearts is more important than the structure of their churches. Our training strives to enhance the abilities of our house church leaders to imitate the character and calling of Christ, so they will become the disciples needed for “building” His kingdom.

This is what we are about: discipleship training which can transform and renew the faith our leaders have in Jesus Christ while persevering in service to others with the confidence that it is all for His Glory.

Important to notice:
If you choose to make this donation monthly,

  • it will be an ongoing monthly donation
  • please choose the credit card – recurring donation
  • please contact the admin to cancel this ongoing donation any time
  • when your card expires you have to resubmit the donation again with the new card


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Donation Total: $5.00 One Time