Our Goal

Below is the progress of our charity campaign to support our projects.

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Trauma Healing Ministry

Love for Myanmar ministers to many traumatized people– adults, youth, children. Men tortured. Women abused. Teenagers kidnapped into the sex trade. Children abandoned.

The essence of our trauma healing program is ongoing training. The Bible-centered training compassionately helps hurting people with their wounded hearts. We help them find hope and peace.

Sadly, trauma is everywhere in Myanmar. We seek to reach out to lives with little hope and give the healing only God can provide.

Training programs for our house church leaders and children’s homes directors typically cost $2,500 for a five-day session.

Two new training initiatives will focus on:

  • helping married couples through scripture-based counseling stay together despite the strains of poverty and unemployment– $3,000 includes five-day session plus periodic follow up counseling
  • assisting our Chaplain with engaging the youth of the leprosy village who are turning to alcohol and drugs to cope with their difficult circumstances– specialized training $1,600.

Important to notice:
If you choose to make this donation monthly,

  • it will be an ongoing monthly donation
  • please choose the credit card – recurring donation
  • please contact the admin to cancel this ongoing donation any time
  • when your card expires you have to resubmit the donation again with the new card


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Donation Total: $5.00 One Time