Eyes Wide Shut

Love For Myanmar Ministries Update “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort. He comforts us in all our afflictions, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any kind of...

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10 Reasons You’re My Hero

10 Reasons You’re My Hero

Thanksgiving is just a few days away and I was thinking about all the reasons I’m thankful for you this year. Our mission is to encourage, equip, and empower your persecuted brothers and sisters in Myanmar. In so many ways, that’s what you do for...

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A Trip to the Hospital

A Trip to the Hospital

Early one Monday morning in 2004, our housekeeper’s husband knocked on the door and told us the night before she had suffered a heart attack. She was in the government hospital and could we please help. Their ten-year-old son stood behind him...

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Money Changers in Myanmar

I wrote this in 2004 when our family lived in Myanmar… Money changers are an indispensable evil in Myanmar. The official bank change rate from Myanmar kyat to American dollars is six-to-one, but with a street money changer it is...

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Language Learning in Myanmar

One Friday afternoon, I traveled downtown Yangon to purchase an electronic adapter. Weaving through the throng of sweaty shoppers, sidewalk vendors, and fruit hawkers, I finally locate an electronics shop in the middle of the block. The store...

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Bridges and Human Sacrifice

Bridges and Human Sacrifice

The following story may seem like an urban legend, but it is not.  It has been verified by reliable sources and represents a window into the superstitious, dark side of life in Myanmar…. Many people in Myanmar believe that a spirit must guard...

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Martyrs in Myanmar

Martyrs in Myanmar

After our family moved to Myanmar in 2003, we were struck by how every major governmental agency – health, education, finance – had languished under the ruling junta. The government had closed the universities because they feared the students...

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Victories and Challenges

Victories and Challenges

-This is a message from Ruby, Gilbert’s wife, to everyone who partners with Love for Myanmar. Originally written in Burmese, it was translated by a Burmese person into English. I have kept the translation with a few parentheses of comment where I...

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The Power of Prayer

The Power of Prayer

I’m currently in Myanmar enjoying meeting old friends, training people how to follow Jesus, and ministering to the orphans and other less fortunate people we support. Things certainly have changed a lot over the years. When we first landed at the...

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The Problem with Karma

The Problem with Karma

I remember when we first got to Myanmar in 2003. It was a different country back then – karma had made it a country that time had forgotten. The government was not open to outside influences and exercised punishing control of its people...

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Which Path is Right?

Which Path is Right?

Everyone has some type of belief about how they can live a better life now, in the future, and for eternity. In Myanmar, the majority culture holds that the teachings of Buddha are the key to a fulfilling and satisfying life. One saying our...

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