Love for Myanmar Training Resources
March 14, 2018
Our vision is a sustainable church-planting movement led by Burmese believers. Our core strategy is to teach the seven-step strategy of Jesus to believers and help them implement it in Myanmar.
Here are the resources we provide believers to succeed at each step:
- Go
- “Be Fruitful and Multiply” (Training Module)
- “Pray Powerful Prayers”
- “Walk in The Spirit”
- “Join God Where He Is Working”
- Share God’s Love
- Orphanage Support and Coaching
- Trauma Healing Counseling
- Micro-Finance Groups
- Neighborhood Schools for Poor Children
- Assistance to Refugees
- Leprosy Hospital and Village Support and Coaching
- Share the Gospel
- “Defeat Satan In Spiritual Warfare”
- “Share Your Testimony”
- “Share the Simple Gospel”
- “How to Answer the Hard Questions”
- Evangelistic Outreach Events
- Make Disciples
- “Make the Great Confession”
- “Obey the Great Commandment”
- “Obey the Great Commission”
- Bible Seminary
- Form Disciple Groups
- “What Is A Simple Worship Group?”
- “Lead A Simple Worship Group”
- “52 Bible Stories for Your Discipleship Group”
- Train Leaders
- “Lead Like Jesus”
- “12 Principles of A Strong Ministry”
- “Raise Up Leaders”
- Start Churches
- “The Ten Commandments of a Great Church”
- “Grow Your Church Inside and Out”
- “Shepherd A Church”
Our goal is to empower groups of believers step-by-step and coach them through any roadblocks they encounter. We are organized with a national director, ministry directors, an area director, six village fellowship coordinators, and sixteen house church leaders.
We support the movement through regular prayer, weekly Skype calls, mission trip teams, onsite training events, printed materials, audio and video files, coaching, outreach events, and online training events.
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