
Love For Myanmar Ministries Update

Christ Centered, Servant Hearted, Myanmar Focused

“No one is saved BY good works, but every Christian has been saved FOR good works.” Dr. David Jeremiah

How do heartbeats add up over time? A person with an average resting heart rate of 70 BPM, for example, would generate 100,800 heartbeats in one day. In a year, that would add up to approximately 36.8 million beats. I recall reading that the average life expectancy in the U.S. is 77.5 years which means in a lifetime, that person’s heart beats around 2.85 billion times. I wonder how many of those beats are towards good intentions rather than real acts of generosity or kindness?

Why don’t our lives speak as loudly as our hearts? Why do so many of our good intentions remain just that? Intentions seem to have higher priorities at their moment of follow through. Intentions provide us a way into feeling good about ourselves and a way of liberating us from situations that gnaw at our conscience. Simply, intentions cause us to fall short of action, of always saying to ourselves “I will begin tomorrow”, while in the meantime drawing out all the possibilities why we should be cautious to proceed.

What sense is God to make of our intentions which escape our action? We intended to visit our friend in the hospital. We intended to invite our neighbor to church. We intended to share Christ with our work colleague. We intended to volunteer for that church ministry. We intended to donate more to charities this year. Acts of giving have seemingly surrendered to just “expressions” whose only aim is for us to appear sincere.

The effect of “giving” or sharing (or not giving or sharing) our time, talents, or treasure with others on earth reaches the throne of God in heaven. During this time of Thanks”GIVING”, let’s be better ambassadors for Christ by chipping away at our intentions, and shaping them into blessings which promote His kingdom on earth.

Gary Watkins, LFM Co-founder
  • Prayer Request: Please pray that people’s hearts will be opened, and a spirit of generosity grounded in love will pour out over the country of Myanmar. The International Day of Prayer for Myanmar is November 24. For more information, please click here.
  • Are you looking for something GOOD to do today? We will be conducting multiple Christmas events throughout Myanmar in early December with thousands expected. You can bridge the gap between hopelessness and jubilance by donating to provide a child a gift. Open a heart to joy through the power of kindness. Click here to give.

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