The Impact

The plane touched down in this humid, bustling part of the world.  It was a trip I had prepared for logistically.  I had traveled around the world in mission response, serving in India, South Africa, all over Central America and numerous other locations but as we disembarked I encountered a different sort of vibe, one that would shape my experience and altar how I had prepared.

Myanmar is rich with color, texture, smells, and sounds of people moving forward.  It is a country with a  burdened past and an even brighter future. As I arrived I was immediately taken by the kindness of everyone I encountered.  I had heard about the juntas and as a tourist, was aware that I would certainly stick out but there was no reservation in anyone, no judgement of me as a foreigner.  They readily embraced this stranger and extended warmth and hospitality.

Throughout my visit I wasIMG_3233 blessed to meld into the fabric of life and observe locals as they went about their business.  I will say that the people of Myanmar are focused, driven, very kind, and happy to show you the beauty of their country.  For me, one of the highlights of my trip was in sharing in worship.  Believers are passionate about singing His praises.  They bring Him their best and avail themselves to hear more.  It is an apparent hunger for The Word.  In sharing with them in worship I learned much about my own faith journey, about my own hunger and quest to walk with The Lord in every aspect of my life.

Myanmar is unlike the many places I have traveled throughout the world.  It is a country of hope, of opportunity, of a bright future prepared by a Savior who offers peace and grace. My role in going was to learn about this beautiful place, meet its people, and learn of ways I can share in their future through prayers, time and giving resources focused on the mission response of Love For Myanmar and their passion to make a difference.  I am in awe of the journey that has brought us to this place and avail myself to be a part of the future.

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