Education Ministry

Education Ministry

Because of the military coup, thousands of families have been forced from their villages, including countless school-aged children. As a result, many schools have been closed throughout the country given junta hostilities or their curriculums...

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Blessed & Giving (BAG) Ministry

Blessed & Giving (BAG) Ministry

The combination of the pandemic and military coup in Myanmar has created an economic crisis resulting in millions of lost jobs and the inability to afford basic food supplies. As a result, we have developed the “Blessed And Giving” or BAG food...

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General Fund

General Fund

Love for Myanmar ministers to many traumatized people– adults, youth, children. Men tortured. Women abused. Teenagers kidnapped into the sex trade. Children abandoned.

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House Church Discipleship Ministry

House Church Discipleship Ministry

Love for Myanmar currently encourages, equips, and empowers a network of twenty seven (27) house churches in Myanmar. Our vision is a house church in every Myanmar village, town, and city. Using Follow Jesus discipleship, leadership, and church...

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Children’s Homes Ministry

Children’s Homes Ministry

Each children’s home receives the set of services described below. Love for Myanmar does not offer sponsorships for individual children. We believe such an approach can lead to children becoming jealous. Some children may receive more letters...

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The Leprosy Village

The Leprosy Village

Many of the children of leprosy parents do NOT have leprosy themselves. They suffer from rejection and poverty because of leprosy, however. The children are ignored and snubbed at school.

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